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The whole thing makes me shed tears. We have here people without a human heart and a conscience! Oh God, how long must we wait for deliverance?


sad news.



henry ngale monono

temfack, you said it all. You however forgot the fact that you have to bribe a mortuary attendant to put a corpse in the mortuary and that you also have to bribe to get the body out. Recently a friend was moving to another town and when he went to get a transfer certificate from his local congregation he was told by those concerned that " my friend that is not how we just issue this thing nowadays". Then my little nephew in Douala told me in their interquarters football game they were sure to beat the other team because they had bought the opposing team's goalkeeper some puffpuff for him to dive the other way and let in some goals. The stories abound the stench thickens...

Hugo Ruben Dabat Frey

To my me they have been swindling Mr. of Cameroon AWA JULIUS AWA, with the sale of a dog who I paid 1000 Euros, and I never received, for days receipt email of the Commisioner de Cameroon, to say that I podria to recover that money, because they stopped to that AWA, but until today not to receive money, aid please......I RESIDE IN SPAIN

kongfon mbony randy

yeah, hard to believe but yet its the truth. So bad for a peaceful coubtry like ours

ferry bookelman

I feel very sorry for your country.
I have tried to do business in Cameroon and was ripped of by the first attempt.
I contacted the chamber of commerce for reliable companies.
They send me 5 adresses of so-called reliable companies.
It seems that number one on this list;
CJM Company Limited was mentioned in a scam alert of B2B Trade website.
So I gave up.
Feel really sorry for you all.

Ferry Bookelman


Good Job Ntemfac, I must add that The Church in Cameroon ,the body of Christ has failed the cameroonian peaple as well as Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ Shed his Blood 2000years ago for the sins of cameroonians too, what has the church been doing ? The Christian values of Love ,joy,peace, prosperity has not been preached on the pulpits in Cameroon. That explains why my brothers and sisters,God Children are still in Darkness(Corruption)from the President to the man on the Streets. where are the Believers ,where is your light ,where is your salt.The problem in cameroon is one of moral bankruptcy,moral decadence from the top to the bottom.every life or nation that is built on corruption is doomed to failed. Yes the grace of God is available to everyone that will receive it.Cameroon is blessed with human and natural resources ,our problem is morality Crises.it starts with the individual persons and eventually the whole nation.The babylonian System in Cameroon is doomed to failed.However,I see the Lights of the believers shining and shining and darkness of corruption is dispelled.


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